Why do we always end up waiting until the last minute? Everyone is guilty. No matter how many times you tell yourself you are going to get something done early, you always end up working on it until the last minute. I am extremely guilty of this. I have been improving with my work ethic, but I still end up waiting until the last minute to get things done, like this blog post. It is not just a problem with college students either. But why does this happen. It is interesting to think about how we put off some of the most important things that we have to do, and most of the time it is to so such trivial things like browse the web, hang out with friends, or watch television. But then isn’t that us just living our lives? We like to be able to relax every once in a while, but then we stress ourselves out to the max. Thinking deeply into it, it makes almost no sense. Why not just work progressively and be able to go back and forth between brief periods of work and relaxation. I think it would certainly have enormous advantages for our health and quality of our lives. It could almost be like taking naps throughout the day, something media mogul Arian Huffington strongly believes in to improve our work ethic and efficiency. Instead of studying for hours upon hours and then sleeping for hours upon hours, altering our work ethic could help with better memory retention and sleep patters. If we complete tasks progressively over a period of time, it is bound to be more successful than just pumping it out all at once. With all these advantages to not procrastinating and doing things before they are “due,” you would think that people would stop procrastinating, but I think it is always bound to happen. We have random events and activities come up in our lives all the time, which forces us to set things off to the side. Just something interesting to think about; I’m going to try to stop procrastinating.
Procrastination honestly makes no sense at all, but I do it all of the time. Sometimes I will have an extremely productive day for no reason and just get a lot of work done, but most of the time I just put off everything. And you're definitely right that we usually put off work to do trivial things. I cannot tell you how many times I go on sites like Facebook after I signed off ten minutes ago just because I do not want to do work. I'll try to stop procrastinating as well, but that is probably not going to happen so I guess I have to just accept that.